Getting Started
Paper Work Needed To Start
- Register with USA Boxing (www.usaboxing.org) click on membership.
- Register with Barry’s Boxing return forms with $25.00 administrative fee (ONCE A YEAR) and first month’s gym dues.
- If never registered before, bring in receipt from USA Boxing along with your 2 photos 1.5 x 1.5 and Birth Certificate. If you registered before, bring in your receipt and passbook.
- A certificate of a doctors physical exam
Items Needed To Start
- Hand Wraps
- Your own towel
- Work out Shoes
- Mouth Piece
- Gym Bag
- A ride to and from the gym (Work-outs last 90 min. to 2 hours)
- Gym dues must be paid before you work out
- Money if you want a drink
Classes for Amateurs
Monday – Friday: The only class we offer is at 4:30 and that is a condition class.
Adult Member $75/mo
- $25/yr Club Registration Fee
- Ages 18 and up yrs old
- Note: $100 for the first month then $75.00 every month after until the next January. For adult members we are open Monday – Saturday and offer open gym to adult members M-F 11am-2pm and Saturdays 11am-3pm, there are coaches on site during this time but no structured classes. Adult members are also able to come and work out M-F from 4pm-8pm and we offer classes at 4:30, 5:30, & 6:30 – classes are included in the membership.
Youth Member $60/mo
- $25/yr Club Registration Fee
- Ages 8 – 17 yrs old
- Note: $85 for the first month then $60.00 every month after until the next January. For youth members we are open M-F from 4pm-8pm and we offer classes at 4:30, 5:30, & 6:30 – classes are included in the membership. They are also able to come work out on Saturdays during open gym hours 11am-3pm.
Little Boxers Member $40/mo
- Ages 5 – 7 yrs old
- Note: $40.00 per month 45 minutes Saturday morning classes offered at the following times: 11:30 – 12:15pm, 12:30 – 1:15pm, 1:30-2:15pm.
Day Pass $20/day
- Note: Free for youth boxers visiting from out of town with proof of current USA Boxing membership. Also, available for non-USA Boxing members and those just passing through town for $20.00 per day buy two days get day’s 3, 4, ad 5 free. More than 5 days requires the purchase of a monthly pass.